Many gay Asians have a problematic addiction to potatoes, aka white guys. I was there myself. For years, I always pictured the “ideal guy” for me to be a dashingly handsome white guy with the perfect features – blue eyes, sandy hair, and a bit taller than me.
Lucky for me, I woke up in time to smell the coffee. Many of my fellow gay Asians aren’t so fortunate. They stick to their proverbial guns and hang to the pipe dream of landing a white male model, even when they’re years past their dating prime.
If you’re a potato queen, I have news for you. You need to get over your addiction to white guys ASAP. Here’s why:
1. You need white guys more than they need you
For every white guy who’s open to dating an Asian, there are no fewer than 3 Asians fighting for his attention.
White guys are the least willing of all the races to date outside their own racial group, and when they do, there’s plenty of competition for them.
Don’t believe me? The folks over at OkCupid, one of the biggest free dating sites, collect statistics on this stuff. The picture isn’t rosy…
- White guys are almost 4 times as likely as Asians to say they strongly prefer to date someone of their own race (43% vs 12%)
- White guys only reply to Asians 35% of the time when they make contact, whereas Asians respond 55% of the time to white guys
See the disparity? There’s a much bigger potential pool of Asians seeking white guys, which means it’s a white guy’s market. Actually, going strictly by reply rates (read the chart vertically downwards), white men are the biggest snobs on OkCupid, with the lowest reply rates of anyone.
And even if you get lucky…
2. You’ll eventually get dumped for a younger, cuter Asian
White people invented the concept of leasing a car and trading it in when it’s old, and they’ve carried that concept over to their dating lives too.
97% of the time when you see an East-West (Asian-White) couple, it’s an older white guy with a substantially younger Asian. Because there are many more Asians seeking white guys than vice versa, white guys have plenty of choice, while potato-seeking Asians have to settle for whatever they can get. Usually, it’s an older, often chubbier white guy who, for all his shortcomings, is, well, white.
Years down the road when you’re getting a bit long in the tooth, you can expect to be traded in for a younger, hotter Asian model, and there will be plenty of those to choose from.
3. Rice queens don’t care about you as an individual
Although your average white guy is a poor dating choice for all the reasons above, you should be extra suspicious of rice queens.
A rice queen is a special variety of white guy that primarily (or exclusively) dates Asians. You may think that you’ve hit pay dirt when you land a rice queen, but you should beware – they only like you because you’re Asian.
White guys become rice queens because they like smooth skin, smaller bodies and what they perceive as more submissive personalities of Asian guys. When a rice queen sees you, he notices only those features he’s attracted to, not necessarily your other qualities.
At some point down the road, your rice queen will find an even better Asian who embodies even more of the qualities he likes, and you might end up sitting on the curb on garbage day.
4. Potatoes age faster
White guys age faster than us Asians, at least on the surface. Caucasian skin tends to be thinner and looser, and more susceptible to wrinkling at an earlier age. White men also gain a considerable amount of weight sometime after their early 20s, and that weight gain continues steadily until middle age, at which time it’s pretty rare to find a white guy who doesn’t have a visible beer gut.
What this means is that your 25-year-old Abercrombie model will see his looks depreciate considerably by age 35, and will almost certainly wind up in the visual bargain bin by age 45. How often do you hear people saying to white guys “OMG you’re 38?? You look 10 years younger!” And yet it happens all the time to Asians.
5. You will end up old and lonely
For all the reasons above, you’re unlikely to land the white guy of your dreams. And even if you luck out, it may be short lived.
A disproportionate number of my old, lonely gay friends are Asians and the one thing they share in common is a strong preference to date exclusively white guys. Year after year as they age they become even less attractive to the white guys who, as we’ve seen, have plenty of younger, cuter Asians to choose from.
If gay Asians want to do themselves a favor, they might consider being more open-minded to dating any other race besides white men, perhaps even giving other Asians a chance. It’s probably not a good idea to base a relationship on superficial physical criteria like skin, hair or eye color, which narrows down your choice of partners. Yes, physical attraction is difficult to consciously change but everyone’s looks fade over time and physical attraction is only a small part of successful long term relationships. At least, that’s been my experience.
I’m white and engaged to a guy of chinese descent. He’s the same age as me, taller than me – 5’10” to 5’8″ – broader than me, and is in no way submissive ha ha. I’m also really insulted by the racist comments on European men aging. I am 33, run 6 miles a day, and work out regularly. Some of my chinese and European colleagues do the same but most by their 30s tend to let themselves go a bit. I can say from looking that looks going with age is not exclusive to one racial group. I can also say that having lived in china for many years I dated a few Chinese guys before and found them just as capable of checking out other models as any European I ever knew ha ha. Thankfully I found a guy who’s solid. Anyway, I’m really sorry you’ve had an experience that made you do bitter, but that doesn’t excuse putting on the racist goggles and hitting out at everyone else. Relax!
I love White particularly and that’s just my preference and that’s going to change soon. There are many ASEAN out there just as beautiful and sexy as White. If you were true that Whites look down on us, why do we still put ourselves to more humiliation and embarassment? Save yourself and be away from Whites, we can live even with ASEAN gay too.
Get over your issues with race. Not everyhing in this world is as black and white as you try to describe it. I am asian and have dated and slept with many athletic/muscular hot white guys my own age. I’ve been lifting weights for years so I have a very pleasant physique. I think the men you’re referring to are skinny/chubby lazy guys who can’t be bothered to hit the gym but then wants a hot guy in return. Maybe you’re one as well.
My current boyfriend and I are the same age, 24, and we both work out on a regular basis. You want a glamorous dream relationship? Get off your fat ass and lift a dumbell, lazy boy.
I’m white, black and asian – Panda
It is th reality. If some one can understand Chinese, you can see the commets of the article:
Most of the people agree with this opinion.
I am a good looking asian man. I can see where the author may get his point of view, there is some truth to it. But then there is Me, I am a gay asian, I have dated men of every color but most of them have been white. However, it is not because of internalized self-hared or racism. I minored in Asian studies because I am very proud of being Chinese, Cambodian and Vietnamese born in Thailand, but grew up in America. English is my first language and I barely speak any asian languages. I love my people and am proud of my culture and history and actually if you look back in history, we were the predominant race and civilization for centuries. With all this said, because I was socialized in a predominantly white neighborhood, that is what I know. My social circle is eclectic and diverse filled with asians and white and hispanics and blacks. I am also a creative person for the dumbfuck that said asians are only formulaic. My point is that I have dated mainly and mostly white men simply because that is what is available to me mostly. And NO, not just old ones. Actually I’m 35 now, still look 25, but most of the boyfriends Ive had over the past 7 years have been younger gay white men in their 20’s. So while some asians are the way you describe there are those like me who don’t date white men because of any type of internalized hatred, but just because that is what happens. If I were surrounded by a lot of asian men I was attracted to, I would definitely consider dating them, just like I would a hot brazilian man! which is kind of my thing right now. Not everyone fucking walmart. Some of us are swarovski. Don’t perpetuate stereotypes. Try breaking barriers instead.
@SyVanTran funniest post yet. Especially the quote to the “dumbfuck” who thinks Asians aren’t creative lol. Best. Can we be friends? lol
Re: the author, you sound like a Gaysian scorned… cute read but, I don’t feel oppressed by the white guys I date. I’m also not exclusive to dating white guys, I’m open to most races. I accept credit card payments, BPay or cheques if anyone is interested in utilising my escort services, I’m joking.
But seriously, do we really need another reminder of how rasicim is present in gay culture? Your scare tactic is not effective. With the title “5 reasons gay Asians should not date potatoes” or whatever, I think your being a dirty little minx so that all other Gaysian give up their so called quest to hunt for a potatoes in the hope that you have them all to yourself you greedy little Piglet!
People do need to be more open though. Think of all the opportunities when your open to everything! Make love not war.
Except you @ NotAnotherAverageAsianBottom as if your God’s gift, getting all these responses on Grindr, bitch please, I’m coming after you, and we are gonna fuck, and your gonna love it. Call me you racist prick!
I suppose I am a potato (new term for me) but I am not interested in the young twinks who are small and slender. I am drawn to more mature (40+) Asian men with muscles who are versatile and have solid careers. I must be an exception to the norm. I hope I find my Asian prince someday … and he can have salt and pepper hair! That would be awesome!
wow! such a refreshing attitude. where have you been all my life? in fact, where are you now? you’re a major catch. you’ll make some lucky asian so very happy.
Thank you! … I am Timborufus (in NH) on OKCupid. Thanks again for your kind words :o)
You’ve really helped me unersdtand the issues. Thanks.
What upsets me most is that a lot of “Sticky-Rice-Gaysians” talk about racial prejudice against (G)Asian-Americans from gay white men, while turning a blind eye toward the racial prejudice (G)Asian-Americans direct toward Filipinos. A couple years back I joined the Gaysian Sticky-Rice community with the expectations of love and support, but I soon discovered that (G)asians are no less cruel and racist than the white gay men that they claim to be oppressed by. Racism and prejudice against Filipinos within the (G)Asian-American Community is tolerated, welcomed, and expected. When it comes to your treatment of Filipino-Americans You (g)asians are the same bullies as your white oppressors. There little or no support for Filipino-Americans within the (G)asian-American community. I guess that after so many years of being bullied by White People, you other Asian-Americans need to vent your frustration on people who are weaker and more vulnerable than you guys are!
Asian guys that like Asian guys still exist, they are not just in the mainstream gay community because the mainstream gay community is literally a gay white community where many whore around for sex and hookups. You don’t see many gay blacks in the gay white community. You don’t see gay Asians that like Asians in the gay white community. I do agree with this article. Internalized racism runs deep in many self-hating Asians and minorities who seek acceptance from white guys or who end up with a white bf because they feel a sense of belonging, higher status or have trophy bf. I myself have gone on dates with some wonderful Asian guys who like Asian guys. We are out there. 🙂
Clearly you’ve been “traded in” for a younger, cuter model and are angry at white guys. I’m white and I think Asian guys are gorgeous, maybe that makes me a rice queen..I don’t really care. I prefer Asians and Latinos over white guys. I don’t know exactly where you’re getting your stats from.
Angry Asian,
for your followers, you need to INTERROGATE Whiteness more. How / why White men are over-represented in the media, porn imagery, cruise sites. How whiteness is presented as not only “Ideal” or “Superior” but also downplayed by the liberals as “Normal” and “Universal” in our cultural understandings of Masculinity and Humanity.
Interrogate How any non White race that falls outside these Europeanist perimeters/standards, gets constructed as ‘exotic”, “deviant” and “dangerous”. Take some time to do a theoretical Inventory of physical attributes that are often deemed “handsome”, hot, sexy, hunky, ultra-masculine, etc. Certainly, possessing a big dick is the main qualifier for masculinity, but also HAIR COLOUR variety and Abundance. Any Ginger Asians out there…? Do physically big Asian men (6 ft plus) qualify as sexy Bears/Daddies or merely FAT sumo wrestler..?
A very astute observation.
I can’t support the author’s (or anyone else’s) use of grains and vegetables as an adjective for gay men and their sexual preferences, because it is so unbelievably stupid.
But I can support this: the truth, which, we should remind ourselves, is almost always absent in marketing targeting the gay community. African, Asian, Arab, Latino and all other non-European men are just as masculine, handsome and breathtakingly attractive as white men. If the gay community perpetuated this truth, eventually, so would the marketing executives
Reading many of the comments, tam and Jeremy in particular…how certain voices mobilize a lot of denial and disavowal rhetoric to get them through arguments. Everyone seems to like re-framing racism as “preference”…Ok, so we must ask ourselves what are those “preferences” based on? What attributes, qualities, values are you assigning to those “preferences”? I don’t think White men who express preference for Asians and vise verse are being Honest with themselves. Cause both groups don’t quite understand what racism and White privilege really are. Also, there is a need to take Racism out of a “personal” context. Just because you may not have personally experienced as an Individual, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t Exist. Chances are, you have experienced or participated in Racism, but wish to deny and negate what that social experience means.
@NotAnotherAverageAsianBottom, whatever—you are indeed a Racist…but you found an anonymous place where you can air that without consequences. You only prove and re-enforce a point.
I don’t understand how it’s racist if I like the race
Not sure if this was mentioned somewhere on another post, but one of the Main reasons why Asian and other Men of Colour desire White partners is because of FREEDOM. The White male, represents a kind of “passport” and liberation from in-group Oppressions. White men know that they have few, if any, constraints and limitations. They can do what the fuck they want and have no barriers. They have an ability to Transcend so many racial, cultural and class Boundaries that Men of Colour can not or perhaps dont think about. A white guy can take the Asian guy places where he dared not tread, where doors were closed. The white guy can also offer a kind of insulation from harsh racist exclusion—-but only in liberalist White circles. So given this kind of psychic freedom to move, to transcend, to fit into any social context, why wouldn’t this attribute seem desirable, why wouldn’t the Asian (Black or Latino) want to secure this kind of privilege. And it isn’t about Money or Class…certainly having Money helps…But even the most working class / blue collar White man still has these Options and choices that aren’t necessarily open to Asian men. Asian men just want to break away the myriad and hidden constraints of their own group (ie homophobia, patriarchy, class/caste distinctions). Another Asian lover might not be able to offer this kind of access and mobility. Another Asian guy brings only Oppression with him.
So many amazing opinions here including yours!
@ Parlo
My partner is very capable of standing up to me and speaking his mind. He challenges me and I like it! We are a team and we are equals. That is how we see each other. And I am sure we are not alone..
I like this…you sound like a “rarity” and an “exception” then. But unfortunately, the majority of White males rarely see their racialized partner as a ‘social equal” or maybe those views of equality dont always extend to members of the Whole racialized group…ie the racialized lover is seen as the “exception” cause he is perhaps more assimilated/Eurocentric and “not like the others”, so he rendered “acceptable”. Maybe your lover isnt as “chinky” as the other Asians and fits nicely into YOUR WORLD. Follow what I mean…?
As for your lover speaking his mind, standing up to you…that sounds great…but there is always a “tipping point” in how far any resistance/challenge of your White Power goes.
A wise elderly friend (who just turned 85) once said to me that the way to have a successful relationship is not for “each side to compromise 50%” but for each side to compromise 75%, and then you’d end up about even. Certainly this has applied to my 20+ year marriage. My quite UN-assimilated partner takes the lead in many areas of our relationship. It never occurred to me to treat him and his culture as anything but equal, although I know well that the unspoken racial and cultural dynamics can come into play below my, or our, awareness. And since he’s living in my culture right now, he has to ask me frequently about cultural nuances and get some tips on “Western style,” but I fully expect when we spend more time in his country (as we will very soon), that I’ll need to depend on him even more. I also learn and re-learn every day about culturally different styles of communication. Things I have found helpful: humility, trying to see the other’s point of view (failing, then trying even harder), maturity, and sense of humour.
I hope everyone here is as fortunate in their relationships as I’ve been in mine.
My first impression from reading this article was that this author must have had some bad experiences with white men. However, like all races, white people don’t have a monopoly on shitty behaviour. Having dated and been involved with men who were white, Asian, Latino and black it was an Asian guy who I feel has treated me the worst in the past. Should I as such avoid all Asian men and stick to my own kind?
If I had of done this I wouldn’t have met my partner of five plus years who is Cantonese. Do we fit stereotypes? Well he is younger than me (38 vs 33) and it must be said shorter and skinnier. However I do get asked if I am 30 all the time so am not sure we look like an odd couple. However our looks are not why we are together, at least now it must be said
We are together as we love, trust and respect each other and thus, want to share our lives. Indeed, we hope to have kids some day and from my point of view, I couldn’t think of anyone I would rather raise a family with. His family values appeal to me, his strong work ethic. For the author to state that white men only see the superficial, that I or any other white guy would only be with an Asian if they are submissive is madness. My partner is very capable of standing up to me and speaking his mind. He challenges me and I like it! We are a team and we are equals. That is how we see each other. And I am sure we are not alone..
Bottom line. I respectfully suggest the author gets out a little more, perhaps broadens their network. They are many successful, supportive, loving, gay interracial relationships out there. There are alsomany manly, butch Asians. And many nice white guys. Saying that one size fits all or that all members of one race have the same negative traits is lazy and racist.
@Parlo. Some good points…and well-intended…But I think you might be glossing over and even minimizing Angry Asians main concerns about White Gay Male Dominance, issues and dynamics of Power and Privilege that White males possess in interracial relationships that they are often Unconscious of in dating Men of Colour. Sure, there are Men of Colour who may fit / perform stereotypes and may be assholes. But Ultimately, it’s White males who often luxuriate in their privilege to choose or be chosen by Men of Colour. White men often fail to understand issues of Race/ism, and dont seem to care how their racial fetishism militates interracial relationships. It is their ignorance and insensitivity to these larger out of the boudoir concerns and their CONTROL that is often alienating.
I don‘t know why are you still arguing. It is extremely true in real life. Some of them just don‘t want to face the reality.
author is accurate on many levels. as an older, single asian, i notice mixed couples and smile. then i sigh. and notice the lucky asian has the qualities his white boyfriend sought: younger, shorter and SLENDER. things i cannot change about myself. now add effeminate and i’m the recipe for man repellent. it’s worse than being ignored, feeling invisible. i don’t even try. i’m content to view online gay porn. the white porn stars cant see me, cant judge me, cant reject me. they achieve their goal to be desired. i achieve orgasm. this is my reality. i accept it. and i carry on.
Hey… Who cares if people arnt into you / me? Does it REALLY matter. My experience of life is that most of these people are not a fit for us anyway. Why would you want to be with or envy someone who is so insecure they have to snob other people off? If you can build confidence in who you are that’ll shine through and the right person you will meet.
thank you, pasquino. i’m at that age and stage of life ( 55+ ) where i cant dwell on what others think of me. i have a small circle of true friends i’m grateful for. plus a job i’m secure in. good health. a place of my own to live in. so much to be thankful for. yet a tiny voice whispers frequently, “wouldnt life be much better with a man to share it with?”
Maybe take all those amazing skills, planning, rejection and nock backs we all have when getting work, a house, building a career and in a similar way make a plan to get a ‘mr right’. we know that careers take a lifetime of study, adding to our skills, updating them. Could we apply the same thinking and logic to something just as important to us, intimate relationships? We might send out five to ten job applications a month when looking for work, are we having that many dates when looking for mr. right?
This insihgt’s just the way to kick life into this debate.
this is quite sad. I am a gay Asian, 6ft tall, and I do consider myself decent looking. I love Asian guys and would prefer an Asian guy. I feel sad for gay Asian men who only like white guys. Internalized racism runs deep. Good luck to you.
Angry: Many of your generalizations have some basis in fact. The gay scene has always been very superficial. The poor treatment of young gay Asian men by older gay Caucasian men is an ugly element of the gay world. I met a 27 year old Thai man who told me he had recently been kicked out of his home in Samui. His 50 year old British “Lover” replaced him with a 20 year old ( another Top ;-o ). He was know living in a cheap hotel in Bangkok instead of his “Lovers” houseboat. He hinted that he could be my boy friend. He was looking for another Sugar Daddy. I told him that I was 38 and did not make enough money to keep a boy friend and that he needed to find another older rich man. Young gay white men generally cannot afford to keep a house boy toy ( regardless of race). He also said that he was going to go to school to learn computers (so he could get a job). I hope he did get out of this type of prostitution. Your discourse does not address the financial component of the Potato Queen/Rice Queen phenomena. It is not always just a physical attraction. This is especially true in Thailand and the Philippines. I live on Guam. There are many Filipinos here and by 27 most of them have beer belly’s. These Asians don’t fit the Japanese, Chinese and Korean stereotype that you are obviously referring too. Asians are not a homogeneous racial group. I have been told that I look 10 years younger for my age and I’m white (I’m from Illinois and not Florida or Arizona etc.). When white people stay out of the sun and don’t drink or drug, they don’t age that quickly. I have a partial epicanthic fold and Eurasian bone structure. I have always been attracted to both Caucasians and Asians. However; sometimes it is harder to relate to Asians from Asia as opposed to American born an raised Asians. I think it is easier to relate to people from your own culture as well as race. Studies have shown that mixed raced marriages have a lower divorce rates than same raced marriages. They have to work harder to make their marriages work. We can get married in the U.S. now. My advice to American potato queens is to get married. That will make it more difficult to be kicked out after putting out for years. Gay men for the first time will taste the pain of divorce.
As a gay Caucasian I often notice some Asian gay guys, particular immigrant or students abroad in Australia, want to date a Caucasian but have a social group that is 100% exclusively Asian. I think dating is much like getting a job, forming networks etc If one can put aside trying to ‘fall in love’ and focusing on building friendships, joining gay sports teams, gay social groups etc gradually you’ll form acquaintances and bonds with people. Then six months after playing volleyball together or attending that gay church every Sunday – hey presto, you and a cute Aussie have hit it off. I wouldn’t ‘give up’ I’d rather just give up on inane places for meeting people like gay bars and Grindr. Focus on forming friendships and expanding your social group. Just google ‘gay social groups’ in your area.
On the flip side, I think some people are just projecting a fantasy of the ‘other’ and they have no intention of really making the effort to meet people, communicate and connect. Granted that their is also racism out there. However looking at what your actually doing to meet ‘mr right’ outside of a flirty look across a bar or a comment on Grindr might need to be taken into account.
You pointed out a very important angle that most of us have forgotten about… I think Asian gay guys are amazing at making friends, social groups etc… While some of us just use the Apps because it’s easy and makes us more lazy to getting in front of someone and being social… I’m actually an Intovert but I find myself more talkative when I meet someone new and one on one than making a group of friends… I have seen Asian people how they are amazing at socialising.
an excellent observation, donny. however i must be the exception to the rule.i have few-if any-asian friends. being a GAM, i see other gay asians as competition for the few rice queens that exist. its as tho the GAMs were tigers fighting over a yummy GWM. that behavior turned me off ( and i’m sure the GWM too-unless he loved all the attention ) so i distance myself from other GAMs-unless he’s in an east/west relationship. then he’s considered “safe” as his boyfriend is taken; and thereby off limits.and we can all relax. but my ‘gaydar’ cant pick up asian admirers.but it clearly detects those who dont have a “yen for men” ( as was said in the old days ) so whats a GAM to do when he isnt in the desireable category ( young+short+slender)
I’d just say think of all the famous, charismatic, powerful, creative, compassionate solidly built people in the world. Are your concerns really with other people’s insecure expectations or more significantly personal projections on the world? Do you want to be a gay man who only lives for preaning himself? If you were just like him, would he be anymore by your bedside when your sick, support you financially when you lost your job, be able to have a shared conversation about what really interests you in life? How do you want to define yourself? By the soft power colonialism of the dominant culture where you perceive yourself as a lesser class of human competing for a higher class? In two hundred years time will white men be pining to look Chinese? Culture is that fickle and changeable and in Buddhist terms illusive and an illusion. Isn’t that what you perceive yourself as chasing after and is there really any point to that?
As a gay Asian guy who only date Asian guys, you can have your rice queen. LOL
I totally agree with your post. I’m an asian myself from India. Unfortunately many gay or bi asian guys that I have seen are in that category. Why? why looking down on their own race or attraction based on colors . They should just have a look at themselves in front of a mirror long and good. Well, In my opinion one should learn to love himself and be confident the way he look and is. Sometimes among the asians also they judge one another. If one is darker than they consider it ugly and someone who is lighter and look more european, they called handsome and drools over it. I hate those.. I’m brown and I’m v v happy, the way I am. I think, black, white, yellow or brown If there is someone in the world who loves you and cares for you, You should be considered the luckiest bastard! and love him back too.. A lots of asians are going for plastic surgeries and skin whitening and all those horrible stuffs..I just want to give them a sweet smile 🙂
I can’t thank you enough for this article. Being a white guy and speaking from experience I can say that I am so sick and tired of these Asians constantly hitting on me on dating apps. Hopefully this article will convince them to stop preying on Whites.
Your points are quite accurate but I would elaborate on and amend some of them. Firstly yes it is true that whites don’t care for Asians as individuals but that is because Asian individualism is an oxymoron i.e. there’s no such thing as an Asian individual. Once you’ve met one Asian you’ve met them all (No personality). From my experience on dating apps (yes this may be anecdotal evidence) they are all bottoms (effeminate), this may be a reason why they have lost the majority of wars they’ve engaged in. Of all the 100s of Asian profiles I’ve come across only 2 were tops. They have occupations that rely heavily on numbers (mathematics) e.g. engineer. These types of occupations are formulaic and involve no creativity.
I’d also like to point out the hypocrisy of Asians in that they will exclusively socialize with their own race but when they want a sexual relationship suddenly it’s all whites. By pointing out this hypocrisy and racism on the part of Asians, I warn all white gays not to fall for the trick that if you don’t or wont date an Asian it makes you racist. I know these types of people employ this trick often as I have been called a racist by a black guy because I wouldn’t go out with him.
Enough is enough! Leave Whites alone!
Wow. You are about as racist as they come. How many stereotypes can you load into one rant?
I’m white too. Have dated many Asians years ago, and am now in a 20+ years marriage with an Asian soulmate. Everything you’ve written about Asian men in your rant is wrong
No,they are not all bottoms. No they don’t all work in “uncreative” jobs. My husband socializes with everyone, not just other Asians. And really, no personality? Well, I guess if you only deal with people in the most superficial way,you might think that.
Seems to me you need to get out more and bitch less.
Agreed Bruce!
I’m also in a 6 and half year relationship with a guy the same age as me and couldn’t be happier.
Congratulations on 20+ years… That’s awesome!
Thank you! We have a large age difference and fall into that stereotype of older White guy/younger Asian. But now that we are 65 and 43, it matters less. A couple can grow closer over the years, but it takes a lot of thought and attention.
Thanks for your kind words.
Lol, this revelation just rendered your previous post null. Rest assure, if he was white he would be married to a guy his own age. Love is an illusion. Don’t kid yourself.
Oh and one more thing. About Asians losing every war, have you ever heard of a country called Vietnam? You know, those effeminate little bottoms who beat the crap out of France in the 50s and the US in the 60s and 70s? Does that ring a bell for you?
Fuck you. Do you think who you are to make an assumption like that? Everybody has their own preferences, and if you don’t like it then put on your post that you don’t like Asian then nobody will bother you. Everybody always wants to look for their special half, especially something is different and new. So how the about this post is written about whites doing to the Asian, why didn’t you say about that close-minded, ignorant mother fucker? Anyway, my gay dad dated 6 Asian guys and I am the adopted Asian one. Go and fuck yourself
Fuck you NotAnotherAverageAsianBottom. Do you think who you are to make an assumption like that? Everybody has their own preferences, and if you don’t like it then put on your post that you don’t like Asian then nobody will bother you. Everybody always wants to look for their special half, especially something is different and new. So how the about this post is written about whites doing to the Asian, why didn’t you say about that close-minded, ignorant mother fucker? Anyway, my White gay dad dated 6 Asian guys and I am the adopted Asian one. Go and fuck yourself.
Fuck you NotAnotherAverageAsianBottom. Do you think who you are to make an assumption like that? Everybody has their own preferences, and if you don’t like it then put on your post that you don’t like Asian then nobody will bother you. Everybody always wants to look for their special half, especially something is different and new. So how the post is written about whites doing to the Asian, why didn’t you say about that close-minded, ignorant mother fucker? Anyway, my White gay dad dated 6 Asian guys and I am the adopted Asian one. Go and fuck yourself. Sorry everybody for such an appropriated language of mine except NotAnothetAverageAsianBottom. That is an insult for someone like me Asian. I love White guys a lot that is just my preference. Maybe this post said the truth, but not all like that. Love will find you no matter which race is going to be, and you have to fight hard to for whom you like and to keep your relatinship
Fuck you NotAnotherAverageAsianBottom. Do you think who you are to make an assumption like that? Everybody has their own preference, and if you don’t like it then put on your post that you don’t like Asian then nobody will bother you. Everybody always wants to look for their special half, especially something is different and new. So how the post is written about whites doing to the Asian, why didn’t you say about that close-minded, ignorant mother fucker? Anyway, my White gay dad dated 6 Asian guys and I am the adopted Asian one. Go and fuck yourself. Sorry everybody for such an appropriated language of mine except NotAnothetAverageAsianBottom. That is an insult for someone like me Asian. I love White guys a lot that is just my preference. Maybe this post said the truth, but not all like that. Love will find you no matter which race is going to be, and you have to fight hard to for whom you like and to keep your relatinship
Fuck you NotAnotherAverageAsianBottom. Do you think who you are to make an assumption like that? Everybody has their own preference, and if you don’t like it then put on your post that you don’t like Asian then nobody will bother you. Everybody always wants to look for their special half, especially something is different and new. So how the post is written about whites doing to the Asians, why didn’t you say about that close-minded, ignorant mother fucker? Anyway, my White gay dad dated 6 Asian guys and I am the adopted Asian one. Go and fuck yourself. Sorry everybody for such an appropriated language of mine except NotAnothetAverageAsianBottom. That is an insult for someone like me Asian. I love White guys a lot that is just my preference. Maybe this post said the truth, but not all like that. Love will find you no matter which race is going to be, and you have to fight hard to for whom you like and to keep your relatinship
Lol do you even know what engineers do? Dont worry, no ones barking up your fugly tree. More asians for the rest of us.
Boy, I’m Asian and I don’t see race. That is a preference. Asians age more gracefully than other races. When you end up old and on the clearance rack don’t try to come to Asians or blacks trying to grovel at their feet. You have a really ugly disposition. Good luck to whomever has to deal with your loveless ass. And another thing you say Asians are not creative. That world is pivoting toward Asia and Africa; it is the West who much catch up before they’re left in the past. History repeats itself it was the Middle East that brought Europe out of the Middle Ages. Life goes on without your kind who think that everything revolves around them just by virtue of the fact of being white.
To be honest, with all do respect to the author. The article itself demeans Asians as a whole. When you actually start believing that there’s “three asians” vying for “one white man’s” attention, that’s called a racially-fueled schizophrenic reaction. I don’t know if this is just me, but, I’ve never equated myself as being less than another race. Yes, I’m Asian but I will never be submissive to a point where I equte myself in a ridiculous ratio of 3 to 1 (we’re not some third world currency coming in for an American Dollar Transaction.) Regardless the fact that if I do have a preference for white men, it’s not driven by third world insecurities of defining beauty to a white man, its merely an attribute, nothing more nothing less.
Please cite where you get your statistics from? I would like to know where you come up with this majority stuff? Your comments seem to be biased and completely unbacked by true data even when you say majority. We understand if you had a bad relationship or something, but your rant would scare anyone off, white or otherwise.
I travel to Asia (big map) a lot. I have participated in my share of “serial dating,” and it’s quite tiring. Indeed, I have quite a hormonal reaction to Asian men. It is a strong preference in the pantheon of prospective mates, but I also know that my hormones can get charged by a handsome face or sexy demeanor from any guy residing on the planet. I have met Asian guys who prefer Caucasian guys. I have also met Asian guys who like Asians equally well. It’s a preference. It’s not always one or the other for everyone. Younger-Older? Yea, I see this a lot in major Asian cities, but I also see just at many same age inter-racial relationships. Younger hot Caucasian guys with younger hot Asian guys. When I look at a couple, regardless of their demographic differences or similarities, I always watch to see if they “act” happy together. My dating practices change abroad the same way they do when I am back home; if I meet a guy whom I really like, I stop looking. Moreover, I think I stop looking because I stop wanting. I don’t have the need when I find that special guy. People form relationships for all kinds of reasons. I think they are all valid—even the ones that would not be yours. Regardless of age or race or culture, though, if one lands on love, that’s rare.
I am Asian into white guys since I have feeling for white. I don’t know “why” However; the article is just opinion, not 100% fact. I was with my late bf till dead do us apart.
Lol he died from old age right?
It’s time to have a relaxed break! Oh la la